MNG (Mango) Wallet Replica/Imitation.

Mango wallet that is really sturdy. This is a rare wallet replica. The wallet got a lot of card slips. With the Mango wallet, you won't need to have a coin purse anymore.  It's coin pockets can hold a lot of coins.  You can even keep some papers inside the wallet, for important quick-keeping of notes.

dimension:  19(l) x 4 1/2(w) x 9 1/2(h) cm

Only 250.00 Php   (excludes shipping charges)

Shiny Red (Style #1)  sold
wallet surface: smooth

Replica wallet

Shiny Red (Style #2)  sold
wallet surface: smooth

Replica wallet

Shiny Red (Style #3)   sold out
wallet surface: smooth

Replica wallet

Shiny Red (Style #4)    sold
wallet surface: smooth

Shiny Brown Orange (Style #1)  sold
wallet surface: smooth

Replica wallet

Shiny Brown Orange (Style #2)  sold
wallet surface: smooth 

Replica wallet

Shiny Brown Orange(Style #3)   sold
wallet surface: smooth

Dark Red     sold
wallet surface: can feel the lines and bumps of the design of the wallet

Replica wallet


Back View

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Handle Option

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 Replica wallet


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  Replica wallet

Inside Pockets

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 Replica walletReplica walletReplica walletReplica wallet